Viral Basic Research And
Novel Biopharma
Therapies Against

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About Us

Viral diseases represent a real challenge for modern medicine with the recent emergence of new viral threats worldwide such as Ebola, Dengue, Zika, Avian Influenza, Coronaviruses SARS and MERS, HIV/AIDS, and now SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19. Ebovir is Canadian-based biotech company, mainly focused on supporting our valued customers with all viral basic research and novel biopharma therapies against viruses. We also provide Retrovirus Production Viral Expression Vectors (AAV) and viral production and purification (HSV, Vaccinia virus et al.). 

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High Throughput Experimentation
Our Services

Retrovirus Production And Titration

Retrovirus production and titration are essential steps in the study of retroviruses and their replication. The following steps can be used to produce and titrate retroviruses:

Evaluation of Small Molecules

The evaluation of antiviral activity of small molecules involves testing the ability of these molecules to inhibit the replication of viruses in vitro and in vivo. The following steps can be used to evaluate the antiviral activity of small molecules:

Evaluation Of Antiviral Activity Of Nature Products

The evaluation of antiviral activity of natural products involves testing the ability of these products to inhibit the replication of viruses in vitro and in vivo. The following steps can be used to evaluate the antiviral activity of natural products:

Evaluation Of Antiviral Immune Modulators

The evaluation of antiviral immune modulators involves the assessment of their efficacy, safety, and overall impact on viral infections. This evaluation typically involves the following steps:

Evaluation Of Biologics

The evaluation of viral biologics, also known as viral vaccines or antiviral drugs, involves the assessment of their efficacy, safety, and overall impact on viral infections. This evaluation typically involves the following steps:

Evaluation Of Antiviral Therapeutic Antibodies

The evaluation of antiviral therapeutic antibodies involves the assessment of their efficacy, safety, and overall impact on viral infections. This evaluation typically involves the following steps:

Clinical Trials Consultant

Clinical trials are a crucial step in the development of new treatments and medicines. These trials are designed to evaluate the safety, efficacy, and effectiveness of a new drug or therapy in a controlled and supervised environment. The results of these trials help pharmaceutical companies make informed decisions about whether to move forward with the development and commercialization of a new drug.

Our Products

Find your right virology tools


Human Anti-Haemophilus influenzae B (HIB) ELISA Kit 96T Detect range: 1.2 pg/ml-38pg/ml

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